Welcome to Suicide Prevention and Mental Health Ministry for Churches

“The Spirit of the Lord is on me,
because he has anointed me
to proclaim good news to the poor.
He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners
and recovery of sight for the blind,
to set the oppressed free
to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.”

Nearly one in four people are suffering from a diagnosable mental health condition, which makes it the greatest need facing our communities. Our churches have ministries designed to meet the needs of almost every group in our communities except for those struggling with mental health issues.

Suicide Prevention for Churches is a program to help churches develop a greater understanding of how to meet the needs of those who struggle with mental heals issues. It is also designed to teach how to recognize when someone is thinking about suicide and help them. It goes way beyond that and shows how to help people before they become suicidal.

This website includes access to books on Suicide prevention and mental health and access to our suicide prevention training. We are in the process of adding other resources to help prevent suicide.

Because of our commitment to suicide prevention, We have put the entire training into book form. We have two books on suicide prevention. They are the only two books on the market designed to provide everything you need to lead training in your church or community group. The books are written in a workbook format to make it easy for participants to follow along. These are the books he now uses in his training programs. Since the entire training is included in the books, it allows participants to review their training at any time. It is recommended that anyone who wants to lead the training with these books to have either been through training or taken an advanced suicide prevention training class themselves.

We make the books available for trainers for only $10 each when you purchase at least 10 copies. Contact us if you want more information about leading the training in your church