Suicide Prevention for Churches Training

Suicide Prevention and for Churches is the only training designed specifically for pastors and churches to train their leaders and members to understand, recognize, and prevent suicide. All other programs teach how to recognize the signs of suicide and how to intervene. Suicide prevention for churches goes way beyond and helps you understand what you can do to help someone before they become suicidal. It is also the only training program designed to help you minister to those whose lives have been affected by suicide.

Why should your church be interested in mental health ministry and suicide prevention? 

We have a page on this site that covers this topic. So to keep it simple. 25% of the people in your community are struggling with mental health issues. Over 20% of teens and 10% of adults struggle with suicidal thoughts. Understanding how you can better meet the needs of these groups can help you better meet the needs of your community. Also, most of your members struggle with mental health issues or have people close to them who do. Lastly, the vast majority of people are affected in some way with loss associated with suicide.

Why use “Suicide Prevention for Churches” to train your leaders and members?

There are several programs available to teach suicide intervention. Most of these are very good programs. So what makes our program different?

  1. Our program was developed specifically with churches in mind.
  2. Our program goes way beyond suicide intervention training and shows you many things you can do to help someone before they become suicidal or help them before they become serious about ending their lives.
  3. Our program shows you how your church can better meet the needs of those in your church and community who struggle with mental health issues.
  4. Instead of a 4-page flier for training materials, everyone who participates in the training gets the entire training in workbook form to make our training more successful. This makes it easier to follow the training and review afterward.
  5. Our programs are more affordable than any other program. We developed Suicide Prevention for Churches for the sole purpose of helping churches minister to their communities.

Train the Trainer

We provide an affordable Train the Trainer program to help churches train their leaders, volunteers, and members. We like this option because it puts someone in your church who can provide the training to your congregation and the greater community. For more information, check our Train the Trainer link.

For more information or to schedule a training, contact us.